Treat Yourself And Your Family To A Better Home With These Home Improvement Tips

Apr 12
Do you enjoy improving upon your home? If you answered "yes," then great! You have stumbled onto an article that can reaffirm your home improvement knowledge and may even improve your skills. Incorporating the knowledge in this article into your next job can help you out.
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If your rooms are looking rough because of nicks and dents in your wall, then you should try putting toothpaste in the hole to patch it up. Toothpaste can fill small nicks easily and can keep your room looking great. This is a cheap alternative and a quick fix.
Try to keep the amount of pictures you nail to your wall to a minimum. Many people seem to get carried away with dozens of photographs and prints hanging on the wall. Add about 4 to 5 pictures to your wall, arranged in nice frames, to create a dramatic, but uncluttered look.
A very simple home improvement tip is to declutter. Start with this easy task: If you have kids, you may be guilty of cluttering your fridge with their work and little design magnets. Keep your appliances clear by attaching just some of your children's artwork and only a few magnets at a time. You can switch these items out every week.
Look to your kitchen when you want to get an idea of where to begin home improvements and updates. Get started by cleaning the walls off. You can get off any dirt or grease. Re-paint in beige colors; you are going to be surprised at how different the room looks when you are finished.
If you don't want to refinish your old and weathered wooden floors, you can instead, give your home a cottage style boost. Buy some oil based paint and choose some affordable stencils. Use the stencils and paint to re-design your wooden floors. Add some cute designs in varying patterns, to give a full on-cottage look to your home.
Focus on interior lighting for your next home improvement project. If you change out your old light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Lights, you will save energy and money. These bulbs also last longer than traditional lighting choices. This is a very simple project that will have remarkable results on the amount of money you save in energy bills.
Improve the outside of your home by landscaping with plants native to your geographical region. Native plants are proven to do well in your climate, so the long-term results are predictable. You can plan your landscape with confidence that the look you want to achieve will be the look you get. If you choose non-native plants instead, there is a risk that the plants may not thrive in your climate.
Soak your hands in salad oil after completing an oil painting job. The oil will help release the paint from where it has splattered on your hands. Salad oil smells better and is a lot safer than the typical cleanup choices of mineral spirits or kerosene.
A simple way to improve your bathroom is by repainting it. Always use a satin/eggshell or semi-gloss paint, as this is more mold resistant than a flat paint, and can also be wiped down more easily. When choosing a color, take into account the size of the bathroom. If it is very small, then opt for a light color. If the ceiling is of low or average height, then consider painting it a shade lighter than the walls. This will create the illusion that the ceiling is higher.
Hang your pickle jars up by their necks! Well, really by their lids. Jars you would normally discard make great storage containers. To organize them tack the lids in a line under your shelves or cupboards. Fill the jars and screw them in place to make see through storage for small items like screws, pencils, pens, whatever!
Keep bowls of fresh fruit on your dining room table and kitchen counters. Use a decorative bowel and fill it with bananas, pre-washed apples, oranges, even grapes. Not only will the bowls of fruit add beauty to your home they will be right there when you need that quick snack.
A new front door could increase significantly the value of your home, sometimes up to 10 percent. If you update your door and get a good door lock, you can choose from a lot of options.
If you are re-painting a small space, such as an undersized bedroom or living room, make use of light colors. Lighter colors on the walls will reflect more light, making the room feel brighter and larger. Also, consider using two shades of the same color in stripes, which can make the room feel longer or taller.
Did you enjoy going through information on an activity that you enjoy? Did you find anything that you can use on your next job? This article was written to help people like you reaffirm their enjoyment of the activity, along with learning a few pro tips and tricks to improve your home.
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